6O minute session / Price £90.00 (images not included)
£25.00 per image  
Images delivered as high resolution JPEGS
Ideal for: Website,  LinkedIn and Other Social Media platforms 
Best individuals looking for a straightforward headshot delivered in a quick efficient manner.

90 minute session/ Price £135.00 (images not included)
£25.00 per image 
Images delivered as high resolution JPEGS
Ideal for: Website, LinkedIn and other social media platforms 
Best for indviduals looking to capture a variety of non - verbal messages and poses

 3 hour session /Price £270.00 (images not included) 
£25.00 per image 
 Images delivered as high resolution JPEGS
Best for individuals looking for personal branding purposes for use across a variety of platforms 
The longer session provides opportunity for wardrobe and backdrop changes allowing for variations in mood and light.

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